Pastoral Care

Supporting our students 

  • Pastoral care at Mandurah Baptist College means supporting the individual spiritual and emotional needs of our students to enable positive growth. 
  • All students have the right to feel comfortable and safe at school. Our caring and supportive teachers and support staff, make the wellbeing of students a priority. 
  • Teachers are aware of students’ individual learning needs, helping to optimise their development. Clear and comprehensive behaviour management is aligned with our College values and supported by proactive social skills education programs. 
  • Mentoring programs facilitate a positive transition from Primary School to Secondary School. 
  • The Primary and Secondary School Chaplains, Student Care Team (Secondary School) and our College Psychologists are available to support students in all areas of their lives and school experiences. 

Our caring and supportive teachers and support staff, make the wellbeing of students a priority.

Student Safety 

Mandurah Baptist College creates and maintains a safe and caring school environment by protecting the wellbeing of our students and promoting positive relationships between students and staff. 

  • National Principles for Child Safe Organisations
  • National Safe Schools Framework 
  • Leadership commitment to a safe school 
  • A supportive and connected school culture 
  • Policies and procedures 
  • Professional learning 
  • Positive behaviour management 
  • Engagement, skill development and safe school curriculum 
  • A focus on student wellbeing and student ownership 
  • Early intervention and targeted support 
  • Partnerships with families and community 

Pastoral Care

Our pastoral care program educates and informs students about a range of protective behaviours and well-being topics. Education programs on age appropriate material are delivered both directly and indirectly in Christian education, Health education, Pastoral Care groups across all cohorts and all learning areas. 


Mandurah Baptist College uses the Friendly Schools Plus framework as well as Friendology 101. Our bullying policies are evidence based and staff are proactive and supportive. This topic is also widely discussed in extended pastoral care programs (Secondary School).  

Internet Safety

Web filtering technology prevents students from accessing inappropriate material on the internet and email system. Cyber education programs assist students in navigating the online workspace. 

Physical Safety

The College has state of the art facilities that support 21st Century learners. Clear policies and a positive culture provide a safe physical environment that allows students to thrive. 

Protective Behaviours Curriculum  

​Mandurah Baptist College is committed to the National Child Safe Principles for Organisations, and to the protection of all children from all forms of child abuse and demonstrates this commitment through the implementation of a comprehensive Child Protection Program designed to keep children safe. This includes a child safe culture, the Keeping Safe Child Protection Curriculum, clear expectations in our Codes of Conduct and thorough and systematic education about protective behaviours and personal safety. 

Our Protective Behaviours overview can be found here