

Hellen Keller said, “Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much”. 

Teamwork is the combined actions of a group, as well as the ability to work with others and help them reach their full potential. It embodies all character strengths; bringing people together through shared beliefs, attitudes, and goals. It builds perseverance, fosters diversity by uniting people from all walks of life, and establishes common ground. Through teamwork, individuals learn from each other and have the opportunity to grow their own strengths. It also serves as a pathway to finding alternative solutions and aids in navigating conflict resolution. 

In our school, we strive to reduce the separation between year groups, encourage participation in leadership roles, and foster House spirit and community. We emphasise competing for your House as a team rather than as individuals. 

At MBC we are all part of a College community – students, staff and parents – and we always seek the best for each other. We urge the entire College community to become involved with College events and most importantly, encourage each other to do so as well. 

As the leadership team, we aim to work with other leaders throughout the College community to guide and motivate students participating in the plentiful extracurricular activities MBC provides. By increasing the spirit of community and teamwork within our College, you in turn create a more inclusive and uplifting environment for students to thrive. 

For students, this may look like signing up to a College event with a friend, encouraging others to join too, or simply giving it a go and meeting new people in the process. We also encourage parents and staff to create a positive environment for their kids and motivate them to never ‘skip out’ on any team building activities. 

Remember to always say ‘yes’! 

Bryn Rogers and Lindie Kellerman | Year 12 Head Boy and Head Girl