Sport Isn’t All About Winning

Sport Isn’t All About Winning

Sport is about more than just about winning, but who doesn’t like to win? It feels good. Winning, however, never happens in isolation and teams and individual athletes would not normally stumble upon winning. There is so much more that happens in the background before any individual or team can be labelled a winner.

Tim Gabbett in his article ‘Success in Sport and in Life’ (2017), outlines traits that are most common with winning and success. These include hard work, persistence, discipline, and continual improvement. I would also like to add to this list, attitudes of commitment and teamwork, which go a long way.

Students who have had the opportunity to be involved in the second year of the Futsal Academy program would be familiar with such attitudes and attributes which are championed by our program partners, Soccer De Brazil Academy (SDB). At the heart of their mission is to “develop world-class players but also develop players for life” (SDB Australia Purpose from

Futsal is a fast-paced indoor soccer game played with a non-bounce ball and a team of five players. The game was originally established as a tool to improve the skill development of outdoor soccer. Some of the most skilful soccer players in the world at one point or another have been involved in Futsal. Futsal is now a professional sport with National and International competitions governed by FIFA.

We are fortunate to be able to offer students at Mandurah Baptist College the opportunity to develop in Futsal and experience the sport. SDB has created a futsal program for students to cater for all skill levels. While we can’t guarantee players will always win on the court, we can confidently say they will gain some important skills and attributes to win in life. Head over to the College’s Futsal page if you would like to learn more about the Futsal Academy program.

Oscar Canas | Futsal Coordinator and Physical Education Teacher