Start your child’s learning journey in our vibrant and welcoming community, where we provide a positive and safe learning environment for students to thrive.
Our dedicated team of educators are passionate about fostering curiosity, creativity, and a love of learning. Through a balanced mix of structured and play based activities, our curriculum is designed to support social, emotional, and cognitive development while making each day fun and exciting.
Find out more about our Pre Kindergarten program below or click the button for our Pre Kindergarten Handbook.

“By nurturing a child’s innate sense of wonder, educators help develop critical thinking and a love of learning.”
Heather Dreckow | Dean of Early Learning

To assess readiness for the Pre Kindergarten program, and before a place is offered, a ‘play based’ interview will take place in Term 3 the year prior to commencement of Pre Kindergarten. This will allow key staff to determine whether your child is ready to commence in the program. Decisions on enrolment suitability will be entirely at the College’s discretion.
For more information about Pre Kindergarten Fees and Charges, click here.
Term Dates
Term dates align with the overall dates for the school year at Mandurah Baptist College.
Group A – Monday/Wednesday
Group B – Tuesday/Thursday
Days will begin at 8.45am and conclude at 2.50pm
Spaces will be limited, and final operational decisions about the number of Pre Kindergarten classes, which will be at the discretion of the College, will impact the number of places available.
When you enrol your child in Pre Kindergarten, you will need to provide your child’s current Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) immunisation history statement, which shows your child is up to date with all the scheduled immunisations (according to the National Immunisation Program) for their age. You will be required to submit an updated statement, no more than two months old prior to your child commencing Pre Kindergarten.
The program would be staffed by a suitably qualified Teacher and Education Assistant and will operate in the MBC Early Learning Centre under the direction of the Dean of Early Learning.
The College will run a Pre Kindergarten Stay and Play session in Term 4 2024, similar to how we run Kindergarten Play & Learn sessions for incoming Kindergarten students and their parents.
Playgroup attendance is also encouraged/offered as a familiarisation process for parents who want more than one session.
A Pre Kindergarten shirt will be available will purchase prior to your child’s commencement, it is expected that they wear the shirt with College track pants/shorts.
Allergies will need to be flagged upon enrolment. Buddy bags with Action Plans will be organised as in Kindergarten. All medications will need to be administered through the office following College policy and procedures.
What to Bring
On a day-to-day basis, children will bring
- A school bag (College back pack)
- A small rest time pillow/sleeping bag
- A packed lunchbox with morning tea and lunch
- A water bottle (with water only)
- A hat
- Spare clothes & underwear
- Raincoat and gumboots in wet seasons
- All booklist items will be bulk purchased
Toilet Training
You can help your child be prepared for a school routine by introducing some helpful habits at home. The first is toilet training. All children must be toilet trained before attending Pre Kindergarten and be comfortable using a different toilet from home. It is important that your child can visit the toilet with minimal assistance and redress themselves afterwards.
Please work with your child to encourage positive hygiene practices such as immediately flushing the toilet after use and washing their hands.