Mountain Biking Life Lessons
I love riding my Mountain Bike. Whether it is riding to and from school, or hitting some tracks somewhere, there is something worthwhile about the freedom of being on a bike. While riding the Dwellingup trails with my Year 12 Outdoor Ed class this year, we started discussing how there are a lot of life lessons to be learnt from Mountain Biking.
Earn the downhills
Downhill riding is one of my favourite parts of riding. The problem is, you have to do the uphill bit first. Completing a bunch of switchbacks and steep gradients means there is reward at the end of the toil. Hard work sets you up for a chance to enjoy the fruit of your effort.
Surround yourself with good riders
Whilst riding solo has its merit, there is a lot to be gained from riding with good riders around you. The opportunity to encourage others, to spur each other on, means that the journey becomes a little easier. Choose your co-riders well.
Eyes on the track
You need to fix your eyes on the track. Looking back over your shoulder or getting distracted by things off to the side often mean you will get off track a little more quickly than you realise. What are you fixing your eyes on?
Watch out for the little stones
Often we see the big obstacles in our path, and spend some time successfully avoiding them… only to be undone by the smaller stones on the track. What are the little stones on your track that may be knocking you off your track?
Falling off is ok
I have had my fair share of stacks. I’ve lost a bit of bark and done a bit of damage. Whenever I stack, I reflect on the thing that has caused the fall. Am I smart enough to learn from my mistakes? Am I resilient enough to get back on the bike? Or am I quitting and walking home?
Seek fresh tracks
I love finding new trails. Adventure, exploration, and a sense of wonder when I wander. Are you stuck on the same track, going through the same rut again and again? Is it time to change your scenery or renew your sense of adventure?
Hang on for the ride
Mountain Biking is not always easy, and sometimes when the going gets tough you have to grit your teeth and just hang on for the ride. You can expect a little bit of pain along the way, but this (mostly) helps develop us into becoming better riders.
What are you waiting for? Get on that bike and get riding!
Post Script
In the September holidays I had my first official ride on an e-bike. Boy, is that a game changer. I think I will need to scratch my life analogies and start all over again!
Mark Vanderstoep | K-12 Sports Coordinator