How to Enrol

Discover Mandurah Baptist College

Step 1: Registration

If you would like your child to attend Mandurah Baptist College, please complete the Registration Form online.
There is a non-refundable registration fee of $50 (inclusive of GST) payable per family.
A letter of confirmation will be mailed out to you.
Please note that the acceptance of the registration form and payment of the registration fee does not guarantee an offer of placement at the College.

Mandurah Baptist College is a private, co-educational Pre Kindergarten to Year 12 school that offers a comprehensive curriculum in a positive and safe learning environment. MBC students have the opportunity to discover and develop their individual skills, strengths and talents to achieve their potential.

Step 2: Waiting List

Following registration, you can contact the College Enrolment Officer for more information regarding your child’s position on the waiting list.

Waiting lists are prioritised by registration date and sibling priority.

Step 3: Enrolment Interview

When a place becomes available for your child, the College will invite you to come in for an enrolment interview with our Principal, one of our Heads of School or Deans.

The interview introduces you to key staff members and the College’s educational philosophy, and is followed by a College tour to see our facilities and get a feel for our great College and its community.

Step 4: Confirmation of Enrolment

Following a successful enrolment interview, you will need to confirm your intention of commencement to the College by completing the Enrolment Contract and payment of the confirmation deposit.
The confirmation deposit is non-refundable and will be deducted from your first term’s school fees on your child’s commencement.

You will then be contacted for a uniform fitting. Once this booking is scheduled, the Registrar will contact you in regard to your starting date.

We invite you to explore our modern campus, discover a vibrant community and learn how we support our students throughout their learning journey.


How do I book a tour at your College? 

If you would like to find out more about the College, and view our campus before registering your child, we invite you to Book a Tour. 

When do I need to register

The first step to enrolment at MBC is to register your child on our waitlist. You can do that by clicking here. Mandurah Baptist College’s interview schedule for Kindergarten, Year 4 and Year 7 is two years prior to entry. All other year groups enrolment positions are offered as they become available. We recommend registering your child as soon as possible to secure a position on the waitlist, especially in our higher intake years as mentioned above. 

Is there a registration fee?   

Yes, there is a non-refundable fee of $50 (inclusive of GST) payable per family. 

Does registering my child mean I have a guaranteed spot?  

No, once you have registered your child and paid the $50 fee, they will be added to a waitlist for the intake year you nominated them for. Once our Enrolment Officer begins the interview schedule for that year, you will be contacted should a position be available. Steps to enrolment can be found here. A child’s position is only secure after their enrolment interview where the Principal (or a delegate) offers you an enrolment contract and this contract is subsequently returned along with an enrolment deposit. If you would like more information regarding waitlists in specific years of entry, please contact the College Enrolment Officer, Emma Boomer, on (08) 9583 7000 or who will be happy to answer your questions. 

Enrolment Deposit  

The confirmation deposit is non-refundable and will be deducted from your first term’s school fees on your child’s commencement. Should you have a change of circumstances and no longer require the position, the deposit ensures that the College can recuperate losses should we not be able to fill that position straight away. 

What are the fees at MBC and do you offer any family discounts? 

All information regarding fees and discounts can be found in the College’s Fees and Charges booklet.

Do you offer any scholarships or concessions for families? 

Mandurah Baptist College does not offer any scholarships, bursaries or fee concessions. However, the State Education Department offers a Secondary Assistance Scheme for the holders of a Centrelink Health Care Card, Pensioner, Concession Card or Veteran Affairs Pensioner Concession Card. Application forms are available from Administration, and some conditions do apply.  

Is there a compulsory College Uniform  

Please see the College Uniform Policy here for details and guidance on both compulsory and optional uniforms and accessories. The College Uniform Shop information, as well as the price list, can be found here. 

My child has diverse learning needs, what support does MBC offer? 

If your child has diverse learning needs, please inform the College as early as possible in the enrolment process. Depending on the level of support your child needs, you may need to meet with our Head of Learning Support who can talk you through all the different options for support here at the College. More information can be found in our Learning Support Booklet. 

Does MBC have any specialist programs? 

Our Secondary School offers Specialist programs in Mathematics, English, Science and Humanities, a brochure outlining these programs can be found here. A list of all our extra curricular offerings across K-12 can also be found here.  

How does MBC respond to bullying? 

The College operates within a restorative framework where we work alongside families to tackle issues of bullying. Students and families also adhere to a strict code of conduct to ensure the highest standard of behaviour is maintained. More information about how the College responds to bullying can be found in our bullying policy

What are the class sizes at MBC? 

In Kindergarten class sizes are up to 20 students per class, whilst in Pre Primary to Year 3, class sizes are up to 26 students per class. From Year 4 through to Year 12, class sizes increase slightly, allowing for up to 32 students per class.